Tuesday, November 03, 2009


let's begin
count to ten
count again
i'll be your friend
until the end

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Please check out my improved photo site. I am working on the tweaks but this is the gist of it. It's not easy doing this with three small children and a wife who's trying to do the same thing at the same time but we manage.

On another note - I will be working on a family website as well with small updates like - "the boy walked", or "Charlotte played piano...". Stay tuned.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

south end scenery

Originally uploaded by shoothead
someday when the kids are out of the nest we'll live here...

Friday, March 27, 2009

wicked fall

Originally uploaded by shoothead
a few weeks ago I hit a frigging pothole on Mass ave. and nearly broke my collarbone. My helmet cracked against the pavement and I ripped my pants. Also got a pretty good shin scrape from the busted up pedal. Luckily that was it.

car issues

There is little place in the car culture for a family of 5 to -not- own a mini-van. I feel like I'm swimming upstream, with jeans on, and boots, and oven mitts, and my beyond fleece (warmest winter jacket evah!!) - really like I've always felt I guess.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

No City for Families

Boston, like many cities, does not do growth planning for families larger than 3. My wife and I have been back and forth about where to live forever it seems. We don't want to move to the suburbs, we want cool places to eat, the ability to walk to a coffee shop, convenience store (they should call them inconvenience stores in the suburbs), movie theatre, libraby, school. These are important to us. Affordable cities in the midwest and southwest are just really big suburbs it seems. Despite being cold, expensive, and unfriendly, Boston is the place we fit. But if you have more than a six month old baby there are really few options. Google search "urban planning for families" and all you get is low income housing results. Tell me where to live!!!